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Members -  Birds & Services

Alphabetical - Members may elect to add their information to this directory.

With Changing Licensing Laws eminent in Queensland in the future,

Please check with the Authorities & the Sellers what paperwork, if any, is currently required for the species of interest.

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0429 199 449
Cathy Abberton

Seasonal Breeder of 

 Quaker/Monk Parrot Mutations

 Pacific Parrotlets

 Hahn's Macaws


Kel Biddle

                                 Flite Aviaries NQ                      

Seasonal Breeder of 

 Peach-fronted Conures,  Lineolated Parakeets, Pacific Parrotlets in Fallow

 Lories of Buru Red & Yellow-bibbed

 Avian Health Products, Herb Mixes, Accessories, Calcium & Mineral Crumble Cakes.

 Vetafarm Pellets & Products.

 EGG Incubation (if needed) & HandRaising & Boarding.

John & Shirley Collins

                    JSC Aviaries

Seasonal Breeder of

 Indian Ringnecks & their Mutations.

 We love our Ringnecks, nice Healthy big birds, lots of colours.

 Pieds, Clearails, Yellow-headed & tails, Opaline, & Wild type (Green).

0447 798 022
Tom Doyle

 Seasonal Breeder of

 King Parrots, Cloncurries,

 Sun Conures, Albino Cockatiels,

 Green-cheeked Conure Mutations.


Jenny Fuller

Seasonal Breeder of


Raimbow Lorikeets

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0455 504 477
Meryl Fraser

Seasonal Breeder of

Finches & Quail

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47 831 272
Kerry & Jeff Galbraith

                                 KJG Aviaries

Seasonal Breeder of

Australians of  Cockatiels, Galahs, Rosellas & Major Mitchell Cockatoos & Budgies.

Asiatics of Alexandrines & Indian Ring-necked.


47 515 745
Murray Greenslade

                                 NQ Aviaries

Seasonal Breeder of

Australian & Exotic Parrots

0417 733 525
Dave Hawkins

                    Bluewater Birds

Seasonal Breeder of

AlexandrinesParrots in Eupatria & Nepalese & their Mutations.

Exotic Lories

Eclectus Parrots

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47 732 883
Fiona Horwood

Seasonal Breeder of

Alexandrines & Cockatiel

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0408 857 316
Tony Lawrence



                  TL's Ringneck Mutation

Seasonal Breeder of

Indian Ringneck Parrots & their Clear Head & Tail Mutations

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John & Sue McDougall

Seasonal Breeder of


47 714 287
Garry & Kathy Neems

                    Gazza's Garden Aviary

Seasonal Breeder of

Princess Parrots, Cockatiels,

Bourkes & Gouldian Finches

0428 199 035
Annette & Kym McGuire

                       Bogie Birds

Seasonal Breeder of

Lorikeets of Varied, Musk, Rainbow, Scaley-breasted & Red-collared & their Mutations

Lories of Chattering & Dusky in Red & Yellow phase.

Australian of Mallee Ring-necked, Cloncurry,Kings, Major Mitchell's, Galahs.

Asiatis of Alexandrine, Indian Ring-necked, Moustache.

Conure of Suns, Nanday,Sunday, Crimson-bellied & Green Cheeked & their Mutations

47 890 771
 Eric O'Sullivan

Seasonal Breeder of

Conures of Suns, Blue-throated, Brown-throated, Peach-fronted

Caiques of Black-headed & White-bellied

Pacific Parrotlets

Australian & Exotic Parrots.

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0418 592 729
Shane & Sandra Parfitt

                   Shandies Birds

Seasonal Breeder of

Australian & Exotic Parrots

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47 888 546
Norm Piper

                    Raintree Aviaries

Seasonal Breeder of

Australian & Exotic Parrots

Asiatics of Alexandrines, Slaty-headed

Conures of Green-cheeked Mutations

47 871 146
Doug Risdale

Seasonal Breeder of 

Aust. Rosellas of Eastern & Golden-mantle, Westerns, Pale-headed & Crimsom.

Kings Parrots, Superb & Red-winged Parrots.

Conures of Sun & Green-cheeked Cinnamon Mutation

Lorikeets of Scaly-breasted, Red-collared, Musks & Blue-front Rainbows

Eclectus Parrots & Plum-headed Parrots

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0413 769 749
Leann & Steve Rowbottom

                   Lee & Steve's Birds

Seasonal Breeder of

Conures of Crimson-bellied, Suns & Green-cheeked & their  Mutations

Alexandrine Parrots, Hahn's Macaws,

Dusky & Black Lories

Australian Forest Red-tailed Cockatoo & Galah.

Australian Musk & Little Lorikeets.

Black-headed Caiques.

Aviary & Handraised Birds

0438 036 639
Dave & Kim Sampson

                  TropicScene Aviaries

Seasonal Breeder of

Australian Rainbow & Scaly-breasted Lorikeets & their Mutations.

Major Mitchell's Cockatoos & Galahs.

Foreign Lories,      Black-headed Caiques.

Amazons & the small African Parrots

Eclectus Parrots

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Krystal & Mel Prasser

                    Frog's Aviaries

Seasonal Breeder of

Finches, Bourke Parrots & Green-cheeked Conures

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Jim & Jenny van Reyk

                    Black River Birds

Seasonal Breeder of

Australian Cockatoos of Major Mitchell's, Galahs & Blacks.

Asiatics of Alexandrines & Indian Ring-necks.

Native Lorikeets & Exotic Lories.


Aviary & HandRaised Birds.

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0457 392 825
Greg Wallace

                    Ninja NQ Aviaries

Seasonal Breeder of

you name it, Greg will want/try to keep it

©2018 by Thuringowa Bird Club Inc.. Proudly created with   Updated 4/08/2020

©  2018 Thuringowa Bird Club Inc. Proudly created by Kel Biddle with                                       Updated 18/2/2025

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